Palavras Em Inglês Com F

Reza September 27, 2022
Palavras cruzadas letra f

O alfabeto inglês possui 26 letras, e a letra F é a sexta letra. Esta letra é usada para formar muitas palavras em inglês, algumas delas muito comuns. Neste artigo, vamos explorar palavras em inglês com F, para que você possa ampliar seu vocabulário em inglês.

Palavras em Inglês com F

Aqui estão algumas palavras em inglês com F:

  • Face
  • Factory
  • Fail
  • Fair
  • Faith
  • Fall
  • False
  • Fame
  • Family
  • Fan
  • Fancy
  • Far
  • Farm
  • Fashion
  • Fast
  • Father
  • Fatigue
  • Fault
  • Fear
  • Feature
  • Fee
  • Feed
  • Feel
  • Female
  • Fence
  • Festival
  • Fever
  • Few
  • Field
  • Fight
  • Figure
  • File
  • Fill
  • Film
  • Final
  • Finance
  • Find
  • Fine
  • Finger
  • Finish
  • Fire
  • Firm
  • First
  • Fish
  • Fit
  • Fix
  • Flag
  • Flame
  • Flash
  • Flat
  • Flavor
  • Fleet
  • Flight
  • Float
  • Floor
  • Flow
  • Flower
  • Fly
  • Focus
  • Fog
  • Fold
  • Follow
  • Food
  • Fool
  • Foot
  • For
  • Force
  • Forecast
  • Foreign
  • Forest
  • Forever
  • Forget
  • Form
  • Formal
  • Fortune
  • Forward
  • Foundation
  • Frame
  • Free
  • Freedom
  • Freeze
  • French
  • Frequency
  • Fresh
  • Friend
  • From
  • Front
  • Fruit
  • Fuel
  • Full
  • Fun
  • Function
  • Fund
  • Funny
  • Furniture
  • Future

Exemplos de Palavras em Inglês com F

Aqui estão alguns exemplos de palavras em inglês com F, usadas em frases:

  • I have a round face.
  • The factory produces cars.
  • I failed the exam.
  • The fair was full of fun games.
  • Faith is an important part of many religions.
  • The leaves fall from the trees in autumn.
  • The news was false.
  • He achieved fame after winning the award.
  • I have a large family.
  • I am a big fan of rock music.
  • She looked very fancy in her new dress.
  • How far away is the nearest gas station?
  • We visited a farm on our vacation.
  • Fashion trends change constantly.
  • The car is very fast.
  • My father is a doctor.
  • I am feeling fatigue after a long day at work.
  • It was my fault that we got lost.
  • I have a fear of heights.
  • The new phone has a great camera feature.
  • The fee for the class is $100.
  • I need to feed the dog.
  • How do you feel about the new job?
  • She is a strong female role model.
  • The fence around the yard keeps the dog in.
  • We went to a music festival last weekend.
  • He has a high fever and needs to rest.
  • I have few friends who live nearby.
  • The field of flowers was beautiful.
  • He got into a fight with his brother.
  • The figure skating competition was impressive.
  • I need to file my taxes before the deadline.
  • Can you fill up my water bottle?
  • We watched a great film on Netflix last night.
  • The final exam is next week.
  • We need to review our finances before making a big purchase.
  • I can’t find my keys.
  • The weather is fine today.
  • She broke her finger playing sports.
  • I need to finish this project by Friday.
  • The fire in the fireplace was warm and cozy.
  • The law firm specializes in corporate law.
  • The first step is always the hardest.
  • I love to eat fish for dinner.
  • The dress fits perfectly.
  • Can you fix the leaky faucet?
  • The flag represents our country.
  • The flame on the candle flickered in the wind.
  • The camera flash was too bright.
  • The apartment has a spacious flat-screen TV.
  • The ice cream has a delicious flavor.
  • The fleet of ships sailed across the ocean.
  • We booked a flight to Europe for our vacation.
  • The boat floated on the calm water.
  • The dance floor was packed with people.
  • The river flows into the ocean.
  • The flower arrangement was stunning.
  • The bird can fly very fast.
  • The focus of the meeting was on the new project.
  • The fog made it difficult to see while driving.
  • I need to fold the laundry before going to bed.
  • Please follow the instructions carefully.
  • I love trying new food from different cultures.
  • Don’t be a fool, wear your seatbelt.
  • My foot hurts from walking so much.
  • I am from Brazil.
  • The force of the wind knocked over the tree.
  • The weather forecast predicts rain for tomorrow.
  • I am learning a foreign language.
  • The forest is full of beautiful trees.
  • I will love you forever.
  • I always forget where I put my keys.
  • The form needs to be filled out completely.

Related video of palavras em inglês com f

Reza Herlambang

Eu sou um escritor profissional na área de educação há mais de 5 anos, escrevendo artigos sobre educação e ensino para crianças na escola.

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